Frequently Asked Questions

What is the law of return?

“The State of Israel will be open to the immigration of Jews and the ingathering of exiles from all countries of their dispersion,” asserts Israel’s Declaration of Independence. The 1950 Law of Return codified this mission to gather Jews from around the world by granting them the right to settle in Israel and gain automatic citizenship

What can the Oct7 Aliyah Community do for me?

Please see our community page.

Who are the people behind the Oct7 Aliyah Community?

We are a group of jews who needed an aliyah community, so we created one.

Is the Oct7 Aliyah Community a safe space for me as a Jew?

Yes. Everyone is seriously vetted and we use secure means of communication.

Does it cost anything to join the Oct7 Aliyah Community?

No, and we do not allow solicitation or spamming among members.

What can I expect when I apply to join?

After contacting us with the required information we will make an appointment for a video call.

How can Israel help?

Israel offers a large amount of benefits and assistance in your process of moving to Israel. To begin the application, or to learn more about what israel has to offer click here.

Am I eligible for aliyah?

If you have at least one jewish grandparent, or underwent an approved conversion. See the law of return.