Aliyah Community began as a way to help new immigrants learn about the aliyah process and improve the quality and success rate of their aliyah. Believing that there are two important elements to successful aliyah, our team is working to create easy access to both. The base of Aliyah Community, therefore, focuses on Information and Community.

Our Team

When putting our team together, it was important to include a range of people who know aliyah from different perspectives. We have a team of administrators, experts in a variety of fields, volunteers who will guide and assist olim, and more. Our main administrators are:

Paula Stern

Paula made aliyah 27 years ago, is on the Municipal Committee for New Immigrants in Maale Adumim, and has been actively working with olim for many years. She is the CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a company that offers technical writing services (often to olim) and retraining services. Her courses are subsidized by Misrad Haklita’s voucher program. Paula first decided to make aliyah when she was 13 and finally fulfilled that dream 20 years later. For over a decade, Paula blogged as “A Soldier’s Mother,” documenting her experiences as the mother of an Israeli soldier.

Amira Frij

Amira also made aliyah about 27 years ago at the age of eight. She remembers, from the point of view of a child, what it was like to repeatedly have her life changed, move away from friends and struggle to acclimate to a new society. Having learned in a Hebrew day school in the US, Amira thought she would be fine and was surprised to learn the Hebrew they spoke in Israel was so very different from the Hebrew she’d been learning. She has a degree in Psychology and Sociology from Hebrew University and currently works as a Marketing Strategist for WritePoint Ltd. and offers Business Consultation Services to small and medium-sized businesses.